Nothing to see Salzburg - 2013

© 2013 Flavia Lupu

„Nothing to see” is a project about a nothing important. In a world that we are used to look outside our sealf and judge others, two artist are following another one. Me (Flavia Lupu) I am followed by two fellow artists: Jana Viteková (from Slovakia) and Gian-Andri Toendury (from Switzerland) in a summer day in Salzburg. I cannot interact with them, and they cannot interact with me. This is a way to watch myself using the eyes of a woman and a man, from two different type of culture.
The actions are catalogued by myself as an intervention in their conscience. Each action is given 15 seconds to become explicit and it can go on forever in the mind of the outside witness.

This installation requires two TV screens. One in front of each other, and they have to run in the same time. In this way the spectator can’t see both of the slides in the same time, and they have to permanently move their head. This is meant to create a disturbing sensation for the beholder. All so, in the beginning of the movie Jana and Andri can look each other in the eyes, as a metaphor for their complicity, and after they turn their back from each other, like a paraphrase for a secret mission.



„Nothing to see”