Epigraphic – a different kind of mimesis

© 2009 Flavia Lupu

This project is the representation of a certain type of connecting to the world, a kind of inner and outer investigation of the relationships between real and false, which implies a refusal of „the obvious”.

The motivation for this theme has two roots: 1. the analysis of the potential of non-painting matter (sand, gravel, plaster, etc.) and 2. the reference to the methods of signification. This last aspect presupposes, metaphorically, a „non-display” of what exists. It is a representation of a collective memory interrupted, truncated or avoided. It is also a personal metaphor of detachment from a palpable world, that is alive, that has a real existence and that often no longer gives the possibility of the existence of a mystery (a world that „shows” too much). The project has a staring point on a series of images of exhibits from a history museum, recomposed, until its documentary function perished.

So we are dealing here with a conflict between appearance and essence, between what is shown and what is not shown, between what is self-evident and what is hidden – from here the relevance of the title „Epigraphy – another way of mimesis”.

The project is about a way of relating to language, to the material of painting, to art, as a copy of reality and to reality as a recognizable phenomenon. The relationship with the reality is a matter of interpreting what appears to be identical for a wide category of people, but which turns out to be a personal and subjective fact.