2016 Relaxed, summer
„Relaxat, de vară” este un proiect care a apărut firesc, și care a avut drept punct de pornire înregistrările care surprindeau viața de familie și relațiile dintre membrii comunități din blocuri cu indicativul P, de pe strada Pescărușului, undeva între 1990 și 1996.
2015 Red Bull
Red Bull – 2015 © 2015 Flavia Lupu
2015 Pseudo picnic Morii Lake
With Google Maps you can get anywhere very quickly. Virtual. See the whole picture from above, from almost 20 metres away, if the area is of interest.
2015 memory proiect 88 Art yourself
memory proiect 88 Art yourself – 2015 © 2015 Flavia Lupu
2014 Upper class Timișoara
Upper Class Supervized este un prim episod al unui proiect work-în-progress, cel de-al doilea episod sub titlul I’m a Spoiled Daughter of a Politician la Victoria Art Center din Bucureşti.
2014 I’m a Spoiled Daughter of a Politician
I’m a Spoiled Daughter of a Politician is the result of a project that had its first episode – Upper Class Supervised – presented at Calina Gallery in Timisoara.
2014 „Fake it” – Salzburg project
Project made for due to the theme “The Non-humans” of the course held in Salzburg at the Salzburg International Summer Academy of Fine Arts by Doug Ashford in 2014.
2014 Daddy’s Little Princess – In a Box
A woman in a box or femininity as a rule, a „princess”, a doll, whose purpose is to exist and to be used like an object, assimilated to other selected goods that generates reputation to their possessors.
False dramatic reality is built around a central purpose – the woman should be a baby doll type of one: a trophy, a quantifiable value, whose glow depends on the presence of an audience to applaud the one who has it in his own „possession „.
2013 Space and tine Art yourself
We exist in a certain space and at a certain time. It’s true truism. Nothing simpler and more obvious. The two coordinates determine each other and they generate focused or chaotic destinies.
2013 Nothing to see Salzburg
„Nothing to see” is a project about a nothing important. In a world that we are used to look outside our sealf and judge others, two artist are following another one. Me (Flavia Lupu) I am followed by two fellow artists: Jana Viteková (from Slovakia) and Gian-Andri Toendury (from Switzerland) in a summer day in Salzburg. I cannot interact with them, and they cannot interact with me. This is a way to watch myself using the eyes of a woman and a man, from two different type of culture.