2013 Finish’it (White Night of Art Galleries)
Case: Flavia Lupu, artist, in a self-portrait, 1: 1 scale; when you vandalize the photo, blood flows (fake).
The principle: we have a woman who offers herself, hypothetically, to the public to be abused. Participants can intervene with a gilded hammer, nails and other objects that are on a table, also gilded, used in the medical system.
2013 Bold NAG
Bold NAG – 2013 © 2013 Flavia Lupu
2012 POST industrial RED
I prefer the metaphor. I do not give verdicts, I do not shout, I am not radical, I whisper. I try, with the risk of not finding, to look for the identity profile of those who, by chance, we were born at about the same time and in the same place with me. I rely on the truncated memories of a happy former life. My own mythology is related directly to the collective mythology of my generation. I was born in 1986. For us, Ceausescu did not exist as such. He was an almost a fictional character. Instead, the transition was for certain, a profitable moment, in which you could have something new every day, because the new seemed to be born overnight. It is not clear, however, where we started and if or when it ended. What is certain is that a world was born in the same time with my generation.
2012 Little red steps
In the gallery space was organized an imaginary museum of recent history, where anyone, looking at any of the works, can have the opportunity to reflect on what was, what it could have changed and what it could have been and is not today.
2012 Book Art Instalation History book
Book Art Instalation History book – 2012 © 2012 Flavia Lupu
2011 (In) visible me
(In) visible me … Or a kind of “I” put in parentheses… is an attempt to explore the play between essence and appearance, between various levels of self-awareness. The red mannequin distillates my own frustrations, denials, flaws, disappointments, disillusionments, inadequacies, preconceptions… in short, defects.
2011 Delights in transition Workshop
Delights in transition Workshop – 2011 © 2011 Flavia Lupu
2010 Upper class supervised
Accustomed to spend its nature in a permanent state of disguised self-sufficiency, in an almost obligatory superiority – a gained status -, secluded in hard-to-reach spaces, symbolically located considerably above the common world, the upper class is, in theory, impossible to capture as a vulnerable or inconsistent object of observation.
2010 Red of Golden Era
Red of Golden Era – 2010 © 2010 Flavia Lupu Red of Golden Era movie
2009 Epigraphic – a different kind of mimesis
This project is the representation of a certain type of connecting to the world, a kind of inner and outer investigation of the relationships between real and false, which implies a refusal of „the obvious”.